With stutter/ stammer awareness month coming to an end, I thought I would share a rather personal blog and one I didn't intend on sharing, but after the past crazy 2 and a half years, I have decided that am now brave enough too - I HAVE A STUTTER! As you can tell by the title of this blog, I have a stutter (some of you may know already), but what is a stutter? A stutter/ stammer is a neurological condition, causing speech issues for example our words take longer to come out of our mouths, we often have to repeat certain sounds for the words to come out clearly, have involuntary pauses whilst our brains are thinking, and we have to think carefully about the words we use sometimes. For me, this can happen at many moments including at the start of a sentence, in the middle and sometimes even at the end of sentences. The most important thing people need to realise is that someone's stutter can depend on the day, and situation they are in - one that fills me with a lot of stuttering...