During tonight's episode (13th November) of Coronation Street viewers were treated to a series of flashbacks this time in the frame are Lauren Bolton and Max Turner who only recently got back together are the ones I have been most excited to see having said to friends for weeks they definitely have to be involved somehow if they were suspects thinking back to everything she's been through. However, Monday's episode (11th November) Lauren's body language dramatically change in my opinion, and Max's side eye following Ed Bailey buying him a drink, but it was Sabrina Adetiba's sudden reappearance that left me with even more questions.

The opening sequence was brilliant with the level of added dialogue as they recapped at the suspects, but Carla Connor's look towards Lauren Bolton during the flashback which entered to real time was interestingly delivered camera angles.

With Lauren's son Frankie set to be discharged viewers saw young mum Lauren became increasingly emotional especially as she and boyfriend, Max Turner spoke about their future, but for me it's obvious that there is more to it than what meets the eye with Max becoming even more emotional than we are used to seeing from the characters saying a lot, however it's been great to see Paddy Bever deliver some emotional scenes as we dive into another side of Max. The way that Lauren looks at Max says a lot about their relationship especially when you think back to how much she has been through since she rejoined the cobbles back in July.

Although, the moment Carla showed up at the hospital questioning the pair about what she saw on the night of Joel Deering's murder as the flashback made it even more obvious that Lauren and Max were lying by the way they looked towards at one another for reassurance, but it was nice to see how protective Carla is of Lisa Swain, whilst Lauren explains that she needs Max and Frankie but the young couple's facial expressions said a lot alongside the panic in Lauren's eyes.

Photo Credit: ITV/ Coronation Street

Following her trip to the hospital, Carla decided to inform Lisa and Dee-Dee Bailey about what she saw leading to the police wanting to speak with Max and Lauren who were hiding out in Joel Deering's old flat being an interesting choice given everything she endured there, where the pair shared some heartfelt yet emotional moments especially the 'I Love You' from the pair which I've to admit I cried because it was unexpected by his reaction, it was clear he was going to the police as it become obvious that they were wanting to protect each other, however, it was unclear to which way round at this point, but the moment Lauren returned to the flat to a note seeing her break down was real and brilliantly delivered, I thought Lauren knows more than she is admitting and even more so after she went to visit Dee-Dee, Lisa, and Carla were she confessed she loves Max.

With Max deciding to go to the police and confessing his involvement giving a detailed account of exactly what he did to Joel with flashbacks also appearing to that night where it become even more obvious that Max was wanting to protecting Lauren from Joel after what he did to her earlier this year - he just wanted to be the one to protect the one he loves and who can blame him!

The final flashback of the episode revealed that Max pushed Joel from the bridge into the river, where I definitely feel like there is something missing from the Max set of flashbacks shown leading to the episode ending with Max all alone in his prison cell questioning himself saying "What have you done, Max?".

There is no denying that this episode is my favourite of the flashbacks especially with all the wonderful camera angles delivered by Duncan Foster and Zah Ahmed as well as dialogue written by Ian Kershaw in turn allowing for Cait Fitton and Paddy Bever's acting to be shown in a different light as they show the audience how brilliant they are as actors in those emotional scenes - thank you for that master class!

Photo Credit: ITV/ Coronation Street

During a recent interview when asked why Max has always been really protective of Lauren, Paddy Bever who plays Max Turner stated “Lauren holds a lot of similarities to Max's mum, Kylie. I think Max and Lauren have also experienced a similar trauma. I also think that Max holds on to people that he really loves and because he's lost both of his parents, he has a real fixation on finding a family and building that around him. I think he sees Lauren as his family and you know, she's the mother of Frankie who he sees like a son so he’s been building that proper family unit with her. He wants Frankie to have everything that he didn't, which is another reason why he's so protective of Lauren, but also he just really does love her. She's his first love and I don't think anyone else will ever compare to Max.”

Talking about how he felt being a huge part in this storyline, Paddy Bever shared “I really enjoyed it. I thought it was terrifying because all of these people had done so much amazing work on this story, really, and I kind of come in at the end and have all the final scenes to do.”

With Max deciding to hand himself in, why do you think he's willing to risk everything, Paddy added “Max really is willing to lose everything, quite simply to protect Lauren and Frankie. I realised during the filming of these episodes, and tonight's one in particular, that Frankie in relation to Max is exactly the same as Max in relation to David, in that he’s in a relationship with his mum. It's an adoptive relationship and Max is willing to do anything for Frankie to be able to stay with his mum, especially since Max wasn't able to stay with Kylie, so he will do everything he can in his power to keep them together and give Frankie the life that Max always would have wanted.”

This episode of Coronation Street aired on Wednesday 13th November on ITV1 at 8pm and on ITVX.

Coronation Street continues Friday 15th November with the killer being revealed.


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