
Showing posts from August, 2018


TODAY (Friday 31st August), Carrie Underwood released her latest song from her upcoming album, Cry Pretty due to be released in 2 weeks (Friday 14th September). Having been a fan of Carrie since her American Idol days, I am incredibly proud of her journey over the past 13 years. Love Wins has a beautiful backing track which compliments Carrie's gorgeous vocals. The lyrics are beautifully heartfelt and based on the society today and I felt myself believing every word that Carrie was singing. The chorus is exteremly clever in the way that it gets you thinking whilst wanting to sing along with EVERY word. Carrie's range of vocals is used incredibly well and the fact that she knows how and when it change her vocals by the drop of her hat is just sensational and why artists like Carrie are exceptional. Even though Love Wins is a power ballad the message from within the song is just incredible and very moving! And without a doubt will leave fans feeling emotionally moved, but ...


I loved tonight's first episode as Charity FINALLY introduced Ryan to see her family. We all know that Charity said a secret son called Ryan who we discovered about in the flash back episode who's she's being seeing for a few weeks with only having told Vanessa about Ryan. Tonight was a turning point for their relationship as she FINALLY introduced Ryan to the Dingles' in The Woolpack after Charity walked in from a wonderful picnic with Noah, Moses and Vanessa because she wanted to make Noah feel 'wanted' after she had been neglecting spending time with him thanks to her wanting to spend time with Ryan. But Ryan's face was in complete shock when she saw Ryan in The Woolpack, a little drunk but with him and Debbie not hitting it off in the first place, here's hoping their relationship improving? But Debbie's facial expression after Charity told her family about Ryan was on of shock and concern which you can completely understand! But the mo...


This Friday (10th August) will see US singer-songwriter,  April Kry  release her latest EP, Sink or Swim which is made up of 8 songs. Sink or Swim features songs about April moving to Nashville and the beginning of her journey with each song meaning something exceptionally unique to April. April also wrote on 7 of the tracks on Sink or Swim. Sink or Swim starts with a wonderful instrumental featuring just a guitar which sets up the song amazingly. April's vocals are stunning and features some catchy lyrics which you could tell are from April's heart. The verses and chorus are nothing but honest featuring some of the best and most heartfelt lyrics. Sink or Swim is the perfect song to open this EP with because it shows us the good, the bad and the ugly from the start of April's journey and you can't help but feel like everyone at some point in their lives can relate to this song and I definitely can now with finally learning to go and achieve my dreams so thank yo...


THIS TOUR IS PERFECT FOR ALL EMMERDALE FANS!! Last Wednesday (1.8.18), I visited The Emmerdale Studio Experience for another visit as part of my birthday present from a friend which happened to be another wonderful visit where I got to see the place where the cast of the show (especially going to see the place in which one of my idols worked) filmed until the 2011 when they decided to move to a biggest premises where they are currently filmed today which happens to be just around the corner from the where the experience is based. But still to this day, the hospital and prison scenes are filmed within the building. Our tour guide was amazing and definitely knew her facts about the show and especially the background facts which every fan wants to know. Every room of the tour was filled with wonderful memorabilia for the show since it started in 1972. The Emmerdale Studio Experience Tour started with a video from none other than Charlie Har...


Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending Nashville Meets London in Canary Wharf and  Frankie Davies perform for the second time in a year (she supported Maddie and Tae on their tour last August). Frankie is a singer/ song-writer from Jersey in the Channel Islands. There is something about Frankie's music that for me is so magical, it was such a pleasure to witness her performing again! Frankie's set contained 14 songs in a 60 minute set. Frankie opened her set with Together which was an amazing song to start with and showed of Frankie's vocal ability really well and her band completed her style so well. And I love the fact that not many were aware of Frankie but after the first song so many people were like 'wow, she's good.' which was me being a fan of over 4 years, I was exteremly proud of her. Travellin’ Love was a brand new song to be and one that featured some rather special moments and artists like Frankie are rather special and uni...