This Friday (28th June) will see US country music trio, Runaway June made up of 3 friends - Jennifer Wayne, Naomi Cooke and Hannah Mulholland will be releasing their debut album, Blue Roses. Blue Roses was produced by Dann Huff and Ross Copperman. Blue Roses is made up of 10 songs which 6 of them were written by the ladies themselves. Design Credit: CeCe Dawson Photo Credit: Kristin Barlowe Head Over Heels starts with a beautiful instrumental which suits the song so well especially from the moment the vocals start. The first verse sets the song and album off in the most beautiful way showing us all what incredible artists Runaway June are. The chorus is so upbeat and happy plus being super catchy which made me want to get up and dance straight away. The second verse showcases the ladies vocals wonderful which I absoultely love and there is something so wonderful about their song writing ability. The instrumental towards the end of the song works perfectly. End...