Welcome back to my C2C 2023 series of blogs, this weekends festival is a brilliant celebration to the festivals 10 year anniversary, here are my Highlights of Saturday at C2C.

I started my weekend off in BBC Radio 2's Stage with Ward Thomas made up of twin sisters, Catherine and Lizzy who I have seen many times before but every single time, I see them it's just the first time and at 10.30am on a Saturday morning it was exactly that especially as they started with In The Madness showing their beautiful harmonies as did the rest of the set. Catherine and Lizzy are just fantastic allowing each other moments to shine within their music.

Photo Taken By Myself at C2C

First Time Flyers in The Barrelhouse it was absolute pleasure seeing them on their first performance at C2C to kick off Happier was played which brilliantly showcased their 4 way harmonies and throughout their set all of them had a moment to shine with their individual vocal tone. My highlight of their set was a song called Just Do which was full of a lot of emotions allowing for moments of reflection to take place. The lyrics in Just Do made me realise that in life going forward if I want to do something, I am going to do it and worry about what everything else after - life is about taking chances.

Staying in the Barrelhouse, I saw Alexandra Kay who for me was an artist, I wanted to see so badly having been a fan of her for a while hearing Backroad Therapy - I got extremely emotional as their lyrics been so much to him this is the one song that when things get too much I put on and it helps me to stay on track after realising that escaping for a moment is ok as well. The 90's mash up of songs was perfectly added to her set. I can't end this without mentioning the song that changed everything for her called How Did We Go saw Alexandra become emotional as she heard people in the audience sing it back to her.

Jess and The Bandits was a band I have wanted to see ever since I started to support Jess on this blog in 2017, and it finally happened and I wasn't disappointed. The high energy that opened their set I knew I was going to have the best time during the 30 minutes. Jess and The Bandits showcased a few new songs along with the classic single adding in her latest single, Hey Girl which is an incredible female empowerment anthem - every female's journey is people need to accept that without anyone else's judgements. 

Photo Taken By Myself at C2C

Hannah Ellis was the biggest surprise of the day as an artist, I hadn't heard any music of (or not that I know of!) but Wine Country featured many brilliant lyrics that showcased her gorgeous tone. The covers of Better Dig Two and Still The One she really made them her own. Somebody Else's Heartbreak was an story filled with beautiful storytelling mixed with honest and relatable lyrics that I caught myself listening too very carefully. The song that ended her set called Country Can was brilliant and such an anthem - I can't wait to have this song on repeat.

I can end this blog post, and not mention Emma Lucy Walker who for the first time was performing at the festival and give one hell of a set especially Think About Me (sorry if I am wrong never caught the title). The melody along with Emma's soft emotional tone made the song even more special - I  really hope Emma releases this song and song.

Thank you C2C for a brilliant day.


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